last updated/extended: 25 December 2024
Change the story,
shape the world.
ripples publishing
Welcome to the new ripples publishing website.
So far, ripples publishing is an idea and this website provides information on what ripples might become.
The content is primarily for people who are interested in making ripples publishing happen.
So far, the information presented is a collection of notes, and it’s not complete.
More content will be added, but generally speaking, it would be best if the next steps in the development process were done in a team.
Please, get in touch, if you would like to get involved, if you’d like to offer advice or if you have questions.
Write to:
I look forward to hearing from you, Charlie Alice Raya
Why another publisher?
I am Charlie Alice Raya, author of the easy town books. Part of my work includes rethinking business practices, and while writing book 1, beginning, I developed, among others, the business model for dot.
Since the model for dot. can be easily be adapted to publishing, it makes sense to set up a publisher who tests, further develops and uses this business model.
This way my publisher, ripples publishing, will not contradict what my work stands for: dignity, diversity, empowerment, sustainability, balance.
For all my business ideas I measure success in terms of human empowerment, the amount of ripple effects created, and the extent of the planet’s recovery.
The main foci
Rethinking everything that might need a rethink, and creating stories which shape the world will be key in the stories published by ripples publishing.
Rethinking and shaping can happen in explorative stories, in stories which play through scenarios, or in stories which use thought experiments. The easy town books fall in this category.
The dot.story on the other hand is a showcase story. With twenty-nine intertwined stories in fourteen different locations and with more than a hundred countries mentioned, the dot.story illustrates how dot. could work internationally, and how the different players could benefit from it. dot. is an intriguing example how balances could replace growth and create unrivalled prosperity globally.

John (Business Team) looked thoughtful. ‘We need to be careful. We have to find every flaw in our business models and deal with them. The moment we get smug about our businesses is the moment we lose.’
Kojo (South Africa) nodded and smiled. ‘And we can stay safe by mimicking nature. Nature works best when an ecosystem has a fitting level of biodiversity. We translate this to working with millions of dwarf enterprises, like we do at dot., where provides the framework and the guardianship to make sure that every dwarf, designers, suppliers and workshops, has everything they need. And at that point, we can deviate from nature. While nature needs the hunter and the hunted, the fruits and those who eat the fruits, humans don’t. We don’t need to cut each other down, we don’t need to compete or kill. We have, by now, the tools to figure out how to create balances without killing each other, without competing, exploiting, fighting or outsmarting. All we need is to think it through, to make the calculations, to use simulations, to find the ideal sizes for businesses and production. Not for the maximum profit but for the maximum benefit.’
‘And we will reach a maximum benefit,’ Rafael (Brazil) said, ‘once we accept that the planet is our home and that the other humans are our fellow humans, that empowerment beats competition every day, that we can shape our world in a way that heals our societies, and reconnects us to each other and to the environment. And that will allow us to restore our planet. A restored planet is the basis for unrivalled prosperity.’
© Charlie Alice Raya, book 3/1, shaping, arrivals & shaping
The end of all wars, planet one, the roots of war, is both an explorative story and a Make it happen story. A group of thinkers explore the roots of war and then they find ways to end all wars on their planet.
These three story types:
- explorative stories
- showcase stories
- and Make it happen stories
plus stories which contribute to rethinking and shaping life on our planet will be the main foci of ripples publishing and partly of pepper books publishing.
How to explore the ideas?
A good starting point is the dot.tour which can be downloaded on this website. While dot. is the idea for an international clothing company, its business model is the blueprint for many other businesses, including ripples.
The next stop would be the book stations tour which can also be downloaded on this website.
Both tours are available online on the respective websites: and
After the tours, a look at the proposed working areas of ripples might be interesting.
Also recommendable is the story: An author’s take on tourism, which illustrates how pepper books, ripples sibling, could work.
To dig deeper, I recommend reading the dot.story. If you are interested in ripples publishing, I’m happy to send you a copy of the e-book. The dot.story illustrates in nearly thirty interwoven stories how dot. could work. You can take a look at the book on the

Charlie Alice Raya
I have returned after a longer period of recovery with bags full of ideas and an energy that is ready for pretty much everything.
My main work are the easy town books. Among the newer works are The end of all wars, View from around the universe and breastless.
My educational background includes two business degrees, one from the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht (HWR) in Berlin and the other from the University of the West of England (UWE) in Bristol, both with a focus on finance and investment.
Saying that, I gained most of my expertise as an autodidact, and I learned most from my own explorations and a kind of determination not to accept anything that doesn’t work as something inevitable.
Since I did a lot of my development in seclusion, the quality of my work will have to speak for me.
I am a Berliner who is ready to fly and say goodbye to this ambiguous city. I am non-binary and happily breastless. I am an explorer with the highest respect for curiosity. I am a creator with a fruitful imagination. I am an author who sees writing and editing as a precious tool to shape clear thoughts and ideas. I am a photographer, playful and intrigued by the unseen.
More about me plus overviews, news and more background is published on

Recently published books
December 2024
book 3/1, shaping, arrivals & shaping
September 2024
The end of all wars, planet one, the roots of war
You can find all Charlie Alice Raya books on the Charlie Alice Raya website.
Upcoming books
January/February 2025
- book 3/2, shaping, entanglements & silence
- book 3/3, shaping, where do we go from here & decisions
- book 4/1, building, campaigns & making a start
to more
Charlie Alice Raya
project websites
visionary meddlers film website
book stations website
The end of all wars website
Views from around the universe website
breastless website
Charlie Alice Raya website
Charlie Alice Raya photography website